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Australia Prays


A season of discernment


Dear brothers and sisters,


Since the birth and launch of Australia Prays in April 2022, the Executive Team have felt to enter into a time of discernment. A time of waiting on our Heavenly Father to hear His heart and will not just for Australia Prays but the body of Christ in Australia. What is the Lord saying to His Body? What is Australia Prays purpose in serving and supporting the body of Christ in Australia?


We didn't want to rush into activity until we had clarity on our purpose, and our identity to then walk on in step with the Lord for His purposes in Australia. We desire to lay a foundation that generations can enjoy and build on.


Our Vision is: 

To see the Kingdom of God established in Australia through prayer, fasting and intercession, for the will and glory of God the Father.


These are not little reflections and not limited to a few individuals but a collective whole of the Executive and broader body of Christ.


We are so grateful for the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father to start to reveal such purposes and for the faithfulness of the believers praying for Australia Prays!


Could we humbly ask if you could pray for Australia Prays and our team in this season, as we seek the Lord’s will and leading of His Holy Spirit?


Blessings in Christ.

Australia Prays Executive

12th June 2022

Australia Prays seeks to serve the body of Christ, as such we would value your imput.

What is Australia Prays identity and purpose in the body of Christ and Nation?
We would love to hear from you if you feel God has put something on your heart for Australia Prays.

Thank you, for sharing your thoughts.

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